A few things we’re great at;
Mobile Healthcare is powerful. We customize the services and bring it closer to you. Following is a grand design of our proposed integrated system of health monitoring, mobile telemedicine, and mobile clinic.
“Medicine by your side. Healthcare in your hand. “
Medicine and health monitoring do not have to be in the hospitals. Our dedicated healthcare service let you grasp your physiological state instantly and allow you unlabored access to medicine. Now we are committed to realize “Medicine by your side. Medicine in your hand.”
Health Monitoring
Anybody can wear smartwatches easily. Your health conditions are measurable anywhere, while walking, working, driving at the stop signal.
Our customized App under development will record your health status at the end of the day.
The output signals from the photo plethysmography sensor are optimized for better accuracy, using our own algorithm.
Weekly/Monthly reports are sent to the users, allowing for statistical review of your own health conditions. Take this report, and your doctors would understand the transition from the previous session.
As usual, 3D accelerometer in the smartwatch registers your daily fitness activity. You will know how much you have physically moved in a day.
We deliver a wide-view monitor showing life-size vision of you and your doctor with our x10 zoom camera, capable of clear conversation on each end, allowing for more precise diagnosis than smartphones.
In 2021, we have demonstrated the telemedicine in collaboration with regional hospitals and learned key elements for successful diagnosis from off-site hospitals.
Mobile Healthcare
In 2020, we developed an ICXCU, a.k.a. Infection-Controlled X-ray Care Unit equipped with a telemedicine facility
In 2021, the unit was deployed in a recovery accommodation facility in Tsukuba city and chest X-ray was examined for over 30 COVID-19 patients.
Prior to the deployment, a rigorous flow simulation was performed and its results were verified by the actual measurement and visualization. Not only flow test, but also a phage-virus spreading test was performed to identify the attaching locations that needs careful disinfection.
Chest X-ray images were remotely read by doctors, eliminating a chance of 2ndary infection. Our telemedicine facility has proved its effectiveness of telemedicine to cease the infection spreading.
Rapid surge in COVID-19 patients may cause an excess of diagnostic capacity of city hospitals. In such a crisis, the regional health centers will serve as a substitute of the hospitals, convening the patients by cars in their yards, where mobility of ICXCU is most desired. Even though, organized training in advance is mandatory with the participation of the medical staffs and regional workers. In 2021, volunteered nurses and doctors joined the training, following a scenario to diagnose patients in the ICXCU.
Physical Activity Monitoring
The fitness monitoring function can be used for field workers to become aware of their breaking time. With the cooperation of Tsukuba Vineyard, Ltd., Japan, a new trial has began to monitor working activities and health conditions of the field workers. We pay particular attention to elderly workers in heating climate, and let them know when to take a break.
Located in Tsukuba City, we collaborate with field workers at local winery to monitor their health conditions during the work. This trial will be extended all kinds of farming workers in the Tsukuba community.
Ibaraki Mobile Healthcare Corporation was founded in March 2022, and has been commited to provide quality healthcare services to the public ever since.
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